
Allows you to visualize diagrams from text or code.

Supported Diagramming


Mermaid has first class support in the Docsy theme. This allows you to use code fences to build a block to illustrate a diagram.

flowchart LR
    A(fas:fa-cog Hugo) -->|read|B(fab:fa-markdown Markdown)
    A -->|read|C(fas:fa-tshirt Hugo themes)
    A -->|generate|D(Static content)
    E(fas:fa-users) -->|views|F(fab:fa-github GitHub Pages)
    F -->|serves|D
    G(fas:fa-bolt GitHub Action) -->|invokes|A

To try different ways of building these diagrams, try out their live editor.


Markmap is also supported in the theme, allowing you to visual a mindmap.

# Docs as Code

## Markdown

## Hugo
* docsy theme
* reveal-hugo theme

## GitHub Pages

## GitHub Actions

Others Projects

Here are some other projects that can enable you to leverage this approach in your projects:

  • Mermaid: Mermaid lets you create diagrams and visualizations using text and code.
  • Diagrams as Code: Diagrams lets you draw the cloud system architecture in Python code.
  • Structurizr: Allows you to create multiple diagrams based upon the C4 model, in multiple output formats, from a single DSL source file.

Last modified September 15, 2021 : Updating diagrams adding themes (#1) (7da7769)